About the Journal

The Guatemalan Journal of Psychology of the Department of Postgraduate Studies of the School of Psychological Sciences of the University of San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC), is a scientific journal, refereed by academic professional peers and researchers, mostly external. It is published annually, its focus is on the Psychological Sciences and its different branches; it has national and international coverage.

The objective is to provide a space for academic and scientific dissemination under the criteria and rigor dictated by science and international publication standards, based on the COPE code of ethics. The journal publishes original manuscripts such as scientific articles and essays, review articles, case reports, interviews, congress summaries, book reviews or comments, biographical sketches, memory articles, collections, tributes and an editorial, among others. The journal will be published digitally and in print, it is open access and there is no charge for reading, reviewing or publishing scientific articles.

Persons internal and external to the publishing entity can publish in the journal, which are the Department of Postgraduate Studies and the Professional Research Unit of the School of Psychological Sciences of the University of San Carlos de Guatemala.


The target audience for the magazine is the country's psychology community, with content produced by professors and masters from the different postgraduate programs, researchers from the different departments of the School of Psychological Sciences, other psychology training units, professionals from the country and abroad.


The themes that open this first part of the magazine are defined by the contents of the programs that currently work in the Postgraduate Department, these being violence, disability, addictions, forensic psychology, occupational and organizational psychology, and clinical psychology. Likewise, the lines of research defined by the different research instances of the School of Psychological Sciences.

Additionally, in the historical context in which the magazine arises, the social problems that are marking the daily life of Guatemalans cannot be ignored, which is why the Covid-19 pandemic and migration are included in this first period. We hope that these contents include problems of specific populations such as children, adolescents, women, indigenous peoples, people with disabilities, the LGTBIQ+ population and their respective intersectionalities.


Submissions are initially evaluated by the editor-in-chief. If manuscripts do not meet the minimum requirements outlined in the Submission Preparation Checklist, they will be rejected. Likewise, the editor-in-chief can reject submissions that do not belong to the disciplines that the journal includes. Submissions that meet the minimum requirements are further reviewed by the editor-in-chief. The editor can ask the authors to make pertinent corrections and request complementary files to reproduce the results of the study.

Subsequently, the editor-in-chief assigns 2 external peer reviewers, experts in the subject matter of the manuscript, to evaluate the submission. Arbitration can take several months. The Guatemalan Journal of Psychology has adopted double-blind peer review in which the identity of the peer reviewer and author is anonymized. Each review ends with the recommendation given by the peer reviewer. The peer reviewer may recommend to the editor-in-chief to publish the manuscript without corrections. However, the peer reviewer may suggest rejecting the manuscript or publishing it after the author makes major or minor corrections.

Finally, the editor-in-chief evaluates the recommendations of the reviewing peers. The editor-in-chief can decide to send the manuscript to another peer reviewer, accept or reject it. The decision is final and the author cannot appeal it.

The decisions of the members of the editorial committee to accept or reject a document for publication are based solely on the relevance of the work, its originality and expository clarity, as well as the relevance of the study in relation to the editorial line.

It is guaranteed that the material submitted for publication will be considered reserved and confidential matter while it is being evaluated and, in the case of being rejected, no evaluating member will be able to make the original public. The identity of the evaluators is protected at all times, guaranteeing their anonymity.


The Guatemalan Journal of Psychology adheres to the different initiatives that promote free access to knowledge. Therefore, all the contents of the Guatemalan Journal of Psychology are freely accessible and are published under a Creative Commons International Attribution 4.0 license.


The Guatemalan Journal of Psychology is published annually. The numbers are published in the month of November, of course in order not to delay scientific knowledge, each article, after passing the peer review and the editorial process, is published in the print section, so that the articles can already be consulted. , once the complete volume is finished and closed, the articles are already transferred to the current volume section.


All originals are checked through Turnitin for plagiarism. The journal accepts submissions with a plagiarism rate of no more than 22%. If the manuscript has a similarity index of more than 22%, the authors will have the opportunity to reduce it and resubmit the work to the journal.

The authors must guarantee that they have the rights that they present in their work, as well as that they have made use of the right to cite the work of other authors. Those originals in which plagiarism is detected will be rejected. Likewise, an author must not present originals that describe essentially the same work that he has already published in another work.


The publication of articles in the Guatemalan Journal of Psychology constitutes a process of permanent knowledge production. The journal promotes the publication of open access digital articles. In addition, it considers that it is its duty to ensure the transmission of scientific knowledge, guaranteeing its rigor and quality, under an ethical commitment to the scientific and academic community. The protocols and guidelines described here are good practices commonly exercised in prestigious international publishers. In this line, the Code of Conduct is taken as a reference, which, for editors of scientific journals, has been established by the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE).


The Guatemalan Journal of Psychology commits to:

ensure the quality of the scientific material it publishes.
ensure freedom of expression.
maintain the scholarly integrity of its content, ensuring that the material it publishes conforms to internationally accepted ethical standards.
be willing to post corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies when necessary.


The authors must guarantee the authorship of the documents they present. Authorship belongs to those who have made a significant contribution to the work. If the work has significant contributions from more than one author, they should be listed as co-authors.
The authors must provide contact information to facilitate the communication of other researchers in relation to the published work. These data will be disseminated together with himself.


Authors who publish in this journal accept the following conditions:

The authors retain the copyright and give the journal the right of first publication, with the work registered with the Creative Commons 4.0 attribution license, which allows third parties to use what is published as long as they mention the authorship of the work and the first publication in this magazine.

Authors may make other independent and additional contractual agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the article published in this journal (eg, include it in an institutional repository or publish it in a book) as long as they clearly indicate that the work was first published in this magazine.

Authors are allowed and encouraged to share their work online (for example: in institutional repositories or personal web pages) before and during the manuscript submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, greater and more quick citation of published work.

Requirement and attest to the originality of the articles: each author signs a letter of originality, where he attests to the originality of the articles he is submitting. This support document will remain in the custody of the editorial committee.


A primary objective is for the journal to become indexed in international databases and repositories that require compliance with a series of rigorous technical and quality standards for original content, peer review, as well as compliance with the frequency and periodicity of publications. To mention a few: Latindex, Scielo, Scopus, ISI Web of Knowledge, DOAJ, Dialnet, Liliacs, etc.

The international license of Creative Commons 4.0 and the law of copyright and related rights of Guatemala will be used for the protection of content and copyright, in addition, the Open Journal System (OJS) created by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) will be used. for the operationalization, administration and publication of the magazine.

Likewise, the journal will be associated with Crossref, an international non-profit association for, among other things, the management of the journal's metadata. Together, the Turnitin software will be used to detect the similarity index (anti-plagiarism software), establishing a maximum coincidence tolerance of 22%.


The Guatemalan Journal of Psychology is committed to responding quickly to the complaints received. In any case, if the interested parties are unable to satisfy their claims, it is considered that they are within their right to submit their protests to other instances.


The Guatemalan Journal of Psychology guarantees the confidentiality of individual information. It is the ultimate responsibility of the authors to have the relevant authorizations for the use of the images and trademarks that appear in their works, as well as other personal data (age, sex, social level, etc.).


The Guatemalan Journal of Psychology assumes its obligation to act accordingly in case of suspicion of bad practices or inappropriate behavior. Manuscripts that raise concerns about possible misconduct will be rejected.
All reasonable efforts will be made to ensure that the works submitted for evaluation are rigorous and ethically appropriate.


Whenever any published work becomes known to contain material inaccuracies, misleading or distorted statements, it must be corrected immediately.

If any work whose content is fraudulent is detected, it will be removed as soon as it is known, immediately informing both readers and indexing systems.


Any author, reader or evaluator can send their complaints through the email of the Guatemalan Journal of Psychology: [email protected]



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The Guatemalan Journal of Psychology allows self-archiving of accepted and published manuscripts. The authors retain copyright ownership and may archive pre- or post-published versions or pdf versions of The School of Psychological Sciences in personal or institutional repositories or libraries at any time without the express permission of the association.

The authors of articles published in the Guatemalan Journal of Psychology have the right to deposit the accepted or published versions of the manuscripts in institutional repositories. Authors can make them publicly available immediately once the journal is mentioned as the site where they were originally published.

The Guatemalan Journal of Psychology participates in the digital preservation of the Public Knowledge Project Private LOCKSS Network (PKP PLN) that allows long-term digital preservation in the event that the journal ceases to be online. The LOCKSS program enables decentralized and distributed long-term access preservation of manuscripts. Likewise, it also allows digital preservation of authentic versions of manuscripts.