Protocol for interviewing Boys, Girls, Adolescents and People with Disabilities in the First Instance Family Courts of Guatemala in a Closed Circuit Camera.




Family Court Law, interview, closed circuit camera, boy, girl, adolescent (NNA), person with disabilities


OBJECTIVE: Present the protocol to guarantee effective judicial protection of girls, boys, adolescents (NNA), and people with disabilities before, during and after the interview in the field of family justice. The documentary METHOD was used to summarize and compile the information that led to describing, developing and presenting the protocol, based on the results obtained in previous research by the author; where data was collected through observations, surveys, interviews. RESULTS: the action protocol for the multidisciplinary team integrates the specific procedure for judges, hearing officers, psychology professionals, recreational area assistants, closed circuit system technicians. In order to comply with the rules and principles that govern the best interests of the child in a comprehensive manner, to avoid revictimization, as established in the Law on the Comprehensive Protection of Children and Adolescents and Family Courts. Likewise, offer the care route to the person responsible for bringing the child or adolescent, or person with a disability, to the interview to develop it according to the guidelines found in this protocol. CONCLUSION: The protocol in question establishes guidelines and actions for the actions of the workers of the interdisciplinary unit in family courts. Its main objective is to prevent revictimization during the process of providing care to users, both before, during and after the interview.


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Author Biography

Iris Janeth Nolasco Molina, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

She is a Psychologist, from the School of Psychological Sciences of the USAC, Forensic Psychologist from the University of San Carlos of Guatemala, Master in Conflict Resolution, and Mediation from the University of Cervantes of Spain, Professor and reviewer of research processes for graduation purposes. and teacher of the examining shortlist of the Graduation Unit of the School of Psychological Sciences of the USAC, Psychologist in the Family Courts of the Auxiliary Family Services Center, Judicial Agency. Professor of the master's degree in Forensic Psychology at the School of Psychological Sciences.


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How to Cite

Nolasco Molina, I. J. (2023). Protocol for interviewing Boys, Girls, Adolescents and People with Disabilities in the First Instance Family Courts of Guatemala in a Closed Circuit Camera. Revista Guatemalteca De Psicología, 2(1), 91–102.



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