History of Training in Occupational Therapy in Guatemala





Occupational Therapy, Training, Curriculum of studies, history


Guatemala is a developing country, with special characteristics in terms of its population, being multicultural, multiethnic and plurilingual, where health care becomes difficult due to the same cultural, political and sociodemographic characteristics and the scope of rehabilitation. aimed at people with disabilities has been the concern of several professionals. In this article, the history of occupational therapy was reviewed, in terms of care and career development, consultations were made in the archives of the first school and universities that trained this human resource, information on the opening of the first rehabilitation care centers with an Occupational Therapy department, in addition, how new fields have been delved into in the training of human resources in Occupational Therapy, the basis for the curricular transformation of the career.


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Author Biography

Bertha Melanie Girard Luna, Secretaria de la Asociación Guatemalteca de Terapia Ocupacional de Guatemala

Master in Integration of People with Disabilities, Master in Social Psychology and Political Violence, Graduate in Psychology, Occupational and Recreational Therapist, Physiotherapist. Coordinator of the Occupational and Recreational Therapy Career of the School of Psychological Sciences at the University of San Carlos of Guatemala. Director of the National School of Physiotherapy “Dr. Miguel Ángel Aguilera Pérez”, endorsed by the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of San Carlos of Guatemala.


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How to Cite

Girard Luna, B. M. (2023). History of Training in Occupational Therapy in Guatemala. Revista Guatemalteca De Psicología, 2(1), 129–145. https://doi.org/10.57247/rgp.v2i1.131


