Educational accesibility for diversity: teacher’s perspective


  • Lizeth Sánchez Universidad Rafael Landívar, Sede Antigua Guatemala



reasonable adjustments, affirmative actions, curricular adaptations, learning difficulties, disability


Education is a fundamental right for people's lives as it enables better opportunities in the future. Since the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2006 and its ratification in Guatemala in 2008, education must have all the characteristics to be inclusive and accessible. Being accessible does not only mean enrollment but also having knowledge about the field, adapting the methodology (flexibility), and making necessary changes in the environment. The aim of this work was to assess whether educational institutions are accessible to students with disabilities or other conditions that hinder the learning process: physical, methodological, and teacher training aspects. It was conducted through an online questionnaire with 97 teachers who teach at the pre-primary, primary, or secondary levels in Guatemala or Sacatepéquez. The results show that there are no accessible educational institutions to achieve full inclusion, which contradicts the Ley de Education Especial para las personas con capacidades especiales Special capabilities that states that educational institutions must provide education to all children who request it. It is imperative to create the ideal conditions for everyone to learn and enjoy the process with continuity and permanence.


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How to Cite

Sánchez, L. (2023). Educational accesibility for diversity: teacher’s perspective. Revista De Investigación De La Escuela De Ciencias Psicológicas, (6), 29–41.


