Influence of the Catholic religion on the acceptance of sexual orientation: a case history


  • Franklin José Pereira Quiñonez



homosexuality, family, adolescence, LGBTQ


The influence of the Catholic Church, among other reasons, generates rejection towards certain groups of people, such as homosexuals. The acceptance of sexual orientation is affected by religion, due to the doctrine that the Church has taught. It excludes loving and sexual relationships between people of the same sex, which, especially during adolescence, often leads to a series of psychological issues resulting from fear of rejection. However, there has been a change in this matter nowadays, thanks to Pope Francis, who has presented a different perspective and offered support to the LGBTQ community. This study identifies the influence of the Catholic religion on the acceptance of the sexual orientation of a homosexual teenager who is a believer, within their family. The approach was qualitative, using a narrative design, and the technique employed was a case study. Three interviews were conducted: one with the teenager, another with their mother, and the last one with their grandmother. After gathering the information, it was analyzed and organized chronologically, combining the participants' perspectives. The study illustrates the process of rejection and acceptance of homosexual identity, as well as the significance of support from a close figure.


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How to Cite

Pereira Quiñonez, F. J. (2023). Influence of the Catholic religion on the acceptance of sexual orientation: a case history. Revista De Investigación De La Escuela De Ciencias Psicológicas, (6), 43–51.


