Psychoanalytic interpretation of the legend of the Cadejo.


  • Manuel Guarán



Psychoanalysis, Legends, Tradition, El Cadejo, Guatemala


This paper presents the findings found in the light of the application and interpretation of the psychoanalytic method in one of the legends of the urban oral tradition of the country: El Cadejo. The document exposes the need to analyze the myths with the methods offered by psychology, especially psychoanalysis, in order to deeply understand the myths and the way in which they speak of the psyche of the people who keep this legend alive., understanding them from their being in conflict with their miscegenation and interculturality and the ways in which they seek to deal with that conflict. In this way, the role that psychoanalysis could have in solving the Guatemalan inter-ethnic problem is raised. It should be noted that this is a first approach to an ongoing reflection on the subject.


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2019-11-30 — Updated on 2019-11-30

How to Cite

Guarán, M. (2019). Psychoanalytic interpretation of the legend of the Cadejo. Revista De Investigación De La Escuela De Ciencias Psicológicas, (2), 41–51.


