Theater and actors in times of Covid-19


  • Sindy S. Linares
  • Jessica P. Vásquez Ávila
  • Héctor M. Muñoz Alonzo



performing arts, employment situation, artist, art in Guatemala, pandemic


In the face of a pandemic that requires maintaining social distancing and the cancellation of all public meetings and events, the work of the performing arts artist has been seriously affected, since it depends on a face to face audience, which is the main source of livelihood. Although the problem of the economic sustainability of artists is an issue that has not been resolved for a long time and that such a profession is not fully recognized in policies, regulations and decrees related to work, the current situation poses a serious economic challenge. and the artist cannot devote all his time to this activity. To deepen these aspects and develop this article, an investigation was carried out with a qualitative approach of biographical descriptive scope, through convenience sampling. The interviews were voluntary and anonymous, with a total of 11 people as participants. In this framework, it seeks to establish the perception in the labor artistic field of theater artists during the SARS-COV-2 (Covid-19) pandemic, in the metropolitan area of the department of Guatemala, during the year 2020 and in full state of calamity with a mandatory quarantine.


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2020-11-30 — Updated on 2020-11-30

How to Cite

Linares, S. S., Vásquez Ávila, J. P., & Muñoz Alonzo, H. M. (2020). Theater and actors in times of Covid-19. Revista De Investigación De La Escuela De Ciencias Psicológicas, (3), 93–102.


