For those of us who are now and for those who will come, we must resist! Conversation Looks from the University Centers.


  • María Alejandra Muralles Marín



Conversation, University Centers, university crisis


During the university crisis process of 2022 (caused by fraud in the rector election), students, teachers, and administrators from different academic units have organized and offered varied responses to the situation. In the case of the teachers from the School of Psychological Sciences, at the beginning of the crisis, consultations and preparatory meetings were held to reactivate the Faculty Council, their representative body. After several years without meetings or organization, an assembly was successfully convened, and a board of directors was elected according to established legal and democratic procedures. From that election, several committees were formed and relationships were established with other teaching and student entities. The information and communication committee presented the idea of a series of conferences that, through the perspectives of different stakeholders, could offer their insights on the crisis.


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2022-11-30 — Updated on 2022-11-30

How to Cite

Muralles Marín, M. A. (2022). For those of us who are now and for those who will come, we must resist! Conversation Looks from the University Centers. Revista De Investigación De La Escuela De Ciencias Psicológicas, (5), 125–142.



Entrevistas, conversatorios, informes