Labor inequality: A perspective from the indigenous population in Guatemala


  • Gladys Eugenia Escobedo Donis



exclusion, ethnic discrimination, employment perspective, indigenous population


Labor discrimination against the indigenous population in Guatemala constitutes a persistent and significant concern within the country's labor sector. This phenomenon manifests throughout various stages of employment, affecting multiple levels and sectors. Historical roots, social, and economic structures have played a crucial role in perpetuating exclusion and inequality, limiting access to fair and equitable employment opportunities. This study focuses on analyzing how discrimination mechanisms operate and affect the labor experiences of the indigenous population. Using a qualitative approach, the research aims to understand the experiences of these groups in the labor sphere, identifying causes, situations, and factors that restrict their access to equitable job opportunities. The findings reveal that labor discrimination systematically occurs in aspects ranging from hiring to working conditions and unequal wages. Indigenous people face significant barriers to accessing formal, well-paid jobs, experience greater job insecurity, and have limited access to benefits and social protection. The study highlights the need to implement policies and measures that not only prohibit labor discrimination but also actively promote equal opportunities and the full recognition of labor rights for all individuals, regardless of ethnic origin. Policies should focus on eliminating biases and stereotypes and promoting labor practices that ensure equal treatment and opportunities for all workers.


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How to Cite

Escobedo Donis, G. E. (2024). Labor inequality: A perspective from the indigenous population in Guatemala. Revista De Investigación De La Escuela De Ciencias Psicológicas, (7), 81–95.


