Neurocognitive profiles of schoolchildren from 6 to 11 years old with low school performance


  • Nadyezhda van Tuylen Domínguez



learning, low school performance, executive functions, academic skills


This study presents the profile of neurocognitive functions (executive functions, cognitive functions and academic skills) of boys and girls from 6 to 11 years of age who attend the "Mayra Vargas Fernández" Institute of Psychopedagogical Service and Research ISIPs referred by learning difficulties and low academic and school performance, in 2018. The objective of this study was to describe by age, the neurocognitive profile of boys and girls who present low school performance, based on the neuropsychological evaluation of 30 children and girls (28 boys), with ENI 2. School performance and academic skills have been associated with neurocognitive processes with emphasis on certain specific executive functions, rather than IQ. Executive functions are abilities that act as a supervisor of metacognition. These have a slower development than the rest of the cognitive abilities, however, their dysfunction at any moment of development has obvious consequences in the learning processes. It has been suggested that, up to the age of six, these develop rapidly and have another peak of development in adolescence. However, learning to read, write and arithmetic requires that they have reached a certain level of development. The attentional system works by assigning resources to the executive system, which in turn organizes the rest of the cognitive functions such as language, the perceptual system, and memory for learning. The results lead to the conclusion that children with low performance in tasks that assess academic skills also have low performance in executive functions in general and; specifically, in working memory, as described in the literature.


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2019-11-30 — Updated on 2019-11-30

How to Cite

van Tuylen Domínguez, N. (2019). Neurocognitive profiles of schoolchildren from 6 to 11 years old with low school performance. Revista De Investigación De La Escuela De Ciencias Psicológicas, (2), 13–26.


