Steps in the implementation of care policies for the population with disabilities in the USAC. Challenges and possibilities


  • Karla Amparo Carrera Vela Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Gabriela Alvarez García Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Macjorie Beatriz Avila García Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Verónica Jeannette Estrada Gonzalez
  • Francisco José Ureta Morales Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



barriers, educational system, exclusion, reasonable accommodation


This article reflects the analysis and synthesis of the main theoretical and methodological aspects of four research papers on the Policies for the care of the disabled population that were approved in 2014 at the USAC. These works were carried out by four graduates of the first cohort of the Master’s Degree in Social Analysis of Disability (2016-2017). Two of the investigations started from a qualitative methodological approach, one investigation had a mixed approach and one, a quantitative approach. The four works were carried out in two or more academic units of the USAC, among them: School of Psychological Sciences, School of Political Science, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Economic Sciences. The investigations included the participation of students with disabilities, teachers, coordinators and experts in the field. Among the main results are that at the date of publication of the investigations: there was a lack of knowledge in the academic units on how to consistently implement the Policies for the care of the population with disabilities; openness on the part of teachers, students and authorities was evidenced, however, it is essential to have close accompaniment so that the actions carried out become a mechanism that guarantees the entry, transit and graduation of students from higher education. The operationalization of the Policies requires a budgetary, methodological and monitoring infrastructure, having clarity on the actors responsible for each part of the process.


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Author Biographies

Karla Amparo Carrera Vela, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

She is a Psychologist, Master's Degree in Social Analysis of disability, Language Therapist, Full Professor VII, General Academic Coordinator.

Gabriela Alvarez García, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

He studies in Social Analysis of Disability and the Technical Career of Teachers in Special Education that are developed in the School of Psychological Sciences of the University of San Carlos of Guatemala. Professor of the Postgraduate area, Degree in Psychology and Technical Careers. Psychologist and Master in social analysis of disability graduated from the University of San Carlos de Guatemala. Transactional Analyst certified clinical member by the Latin American Association of Transactional Analysis -ALAT. Independent consultant on education and disability issues.

Macjorie Beatriz Avila García, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

She has a degree in psychology. Master's Degree in Social Analysis of Disability, Occupational and Recreational Therapy Technician. Professor of technical career in Occupational and Recreational Therapy at the School of Psychological Sciences. Attention to students with disabilities from the School of Psychological Sciences USAC.

Verónica Jeannette Estrada Gonzalez

She has a Master's Degree in Social Analysis of Disability, a degree in Psychology. university technician in Occupational and Recreational Therapy; 25 years of being a university professor at the USAC School of Psychological Sciences.

Francisco José Ureta Morales, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

He has a degree in Psychology USAC, a Master's degree in educational measurement, evaluation and research UVG, a PhD student in Forensic Psychology Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana - México, Professor of undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the School of Psychological Sciences and Faculty of Humanities, Researcher at DIGI - USAC.


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How to Cite

Carrera Vela, K. A., Alvarez García, G., Avila García, M. B., Estrada Gonzalez, V. J., & Ureta Morales, F. J. (2022). Steps in the implementation of care policies for the population with disabilities in the USAC. Challenges and possibilities. Revista Guatemalteca De Psicología, 1(1), 9–21.




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